Digiscan DS-333 Axle Tester

Digiscan DS-333 Axle Tester
  • Operation with Li-Ion Battery
  • TFT type LCD with LED back light, pixel density of 320 X 240
  • 3 Kg weight with batteries
  • Receiver bandwidth range – 1 MHz to 6 MHz
  • Measuring range from 5 mm to 5 mtrs in steel
  • Selectable transducer modes: Single, Dual and Angle Beam
  • Built in trignometric function for precise flaw detection
  • Internal triggering
  • Gated zoom facility to view expanded portion of the defect
  • Selectable logic for both gates
  • Background reference echo pattern for easy comparison of the defect
  • 10000 ‘A’ scan memories, 100 calibration sets
  • USB interface for data logging
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